Medical Devices and Sensors


Dr. Basari, S.T., M.Eng.

Principal Investigator

Siti Fauziyah Rahman, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.

Dr. Ir. Tomy Abuzairi, S.T., M.Sc., M.T., Ph.D.

Dr. Ir. Praswasti P.D.K. Wulan, M.T.

Dr. Ir. Praswasti P.D.K. Wulan, M.T.

Sylvi Febriana Rachmawati Irnadiastputri, B. Eng., M.Eng.

Syahrul Ramdani S.T., M.T.


  1. Medical Imaging
  2. Electromedical Devices
  3. Biosensors


The Performance of Sensitivity-Maps Method in Reconstructing Low Contrast and Multi-Contrast Objects for Microwave Imaging Applications

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Face Recognition in Identifying Genetic Diseases: A Progress Review

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